23 November, 2017

life of jordan

Cinematic ideas 

Close ups, midshots, longshots, zolly 
Split screen 
Phones with texts from anonomous, collage shizzle,  
Black and white 
Mad world 
Synopsys  - life of jordan
The film is going to be a romantic comedy about Jordan and his unrealistic love life involving more than one woman. The film starts in a college classroom beginning with the introduction of the characters, it will continue to show jordan getting a text from an unknown number saying that whoever that person is thinks he is an attractive young boy, this will feature other less important characters gasping in sheer awe of Jordan’s wonderous achievement. The scene will continue to show jordan quickly build a relationship with his new squeeze, however, Jordan’s squeeze shoots him down when he gets back home, his film turns off and the fire he was in front of gets put out by rain (a bucket of water). Jordan gets very salty but becomes relieved when another squeeze hits him up and confesses their feelings towards him. Jordan gets with this new new squeeze and stops being a salty boy; however, jordan being jordan doesn’t take this newer found relationship seriously as he is a little bit of a player, whilst his new squeeze is taking their relationship incredibly seriously and if jordan does not get his act together his relationship and possible future relationships are ultimately doomed.  The settings will include different areas of college and Dan’s house. There will be three main characters played by Jazzy, Dan and Jordan, there may or may not be side tings.  

07 November, 2017

research on context for Trainspotting

  1. What was the poll tax and why was it introduced into Scotland first?
    The poll tax was a system taxation introduced in replacement of Domestic Rates in Scotland in 1989. It was based on the number of adults in your house, so it taxed people not on their income but on other factors, it was introduced into Scotland first as a trial, Thatcher knew it would be unpopular so trailed it in Scotland where she thought it wouldn't damage her votes.  
Research Task
  1. what are the conventions of social realism?
    Location Shooting - Non Studio
    Wide shots
    Non Professional Actors
    Semi Improvised Scripts
    Humor and Seriousness
    The Erosion of regional Identities
    Wider social issues explored via emotional and dramatic individual stories
    Triumph over adversity

Film idea - synopsis

A long time ago there was a village in a valley surrounded by high mountains. The village was isolated from the normal world and no one knew that it exists. Except the people who lived in it. There weren't many people. The sky above the city was grey and the sun could never be seen. It rained very often. The people lived kindly together. But it was a strange atmosphere. The people never talked to each other. The family's lived together. No one spoke a word. There was never a happy voice like a laughing child or singing birds. It was quiet. The children sat at home and looked outside the windows when they're parents worked. Everything without a sound. It was like everyone knew something would happen. And then it started to rain. The rain kept on falling over weeks and months. Then finally the sun came out about the valley. There was suddenly a big lake. It was a few miles deep and very black. Years later it became a very popular tourist attraction. People loved swimming inside the lake. But the Village and his people are still there at the bottom of the lake. Waiting to be found. But till that happen, the people will wait......quietly.....without a sound.

were going to expand on this idea and create characters such as the Tracksuit Gang aka Jordan!!!.